Adityo Pratomo
Feb 22, 2023


Interesting perspective, but I don't think the concept of Agile and Scrum is properly debated here. In 2 weeks, the team should produce a working software, so the team can iterate with clear reference (i.e. a workable software, not some random spreadsheet). However, does it has to be released to the users? It doesn't have too.

Also, I believe that the suggestions you outlined in the end of this article can be implemented even in a Scrum setup. For example, have a tech debt card that the team can pick up as an addition to creating new features.

I'm not a super Scrum defender, I find it imperfect too. But I don't think the suggested points here is actually mistakes owned by that methodology. Rather, a poor implementation.



Adityo Pratomo

Currently working as product manager for cloud infra product. Cyclist + Gamer + Metalhead. Also, proud dad and husband.